Associate Professor
Social & Decision Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University

Popular Press
1. Benartzi, S., and Bhargava, S. Common Errors When Buying Insurance. The Wall Street Journal, February 2018.
2. Bhargava, S. Flying High, Flying Far. The Financial Express (India), September 2009.
3. Bhargava, S. Dismal Science No More. The Financial Express (India), June 2009.
Media Coverage
Freakonomics: How goes the behavior-change revolution? June 2019.
Barron’s: The retirement industry could do some simple things to help you save more. April 2019.
Chicago Booth Review: Why consumers make bad decisions—and how policy makers can help. March 2018.
Chicago Booth Review: How poverty changes your mind-set. Feb 2018.
Chicago Booth Review: Why it’s so hard to simplify the tax code. Feb 2018.
The New York Times: Why so many people choose the wrong health plans. Nov 2017.
Psychology Today: Bored in the USA. March 2017.
The New York Times: Is high-deductible health insurance worth the risk? Nov 2016.
Money: The science of why good people choose bad health plans. Oct 2016.
Vox: Here’s an amazingly simple way to cut poverty. Dec 2015.
The New York Times: Why consumers often err in choosing health plans. Nov 2015.
The Wall Street Journal: Picking a health plan? An algorithm could help. Nov 2015.
CNBC: How bad are we at buying health insurance? Very, very bad. May 2015.
NPR: Confused about health insurance? Take our quiz! Oct 2013.
Daily Mail: Using a mobile phone in the car does NOT make driving more dangerous, claims study. Aug 2013.
BBC News: Mobile phone drivers 'not linked' to accident figures. Aug 2013.
New York Magazine: Scientists still searching for proof that kids make us happy. Aug 2013.
Chicago Tribune: Cellphones and driving: As dangerous as we think? March 2012.